Monday 20 January 2014

Totally An Endurance Pony Now

Hi everybodies, how are you all? I did most fabulously on today's adventure. Here are my ears:
Abouts half ways, this trail goes up up up

Here are my ears again, on the way home this time, deciding whether we like the new cutting of the slasher pampas grass that tore Cyd's legs up, or not:

Today was my trail ride number three. I did my seven mile loop again, but this time did not have a grown up trail pony to follow. I did awesome, and didn't get stuck and confused (although a little bit on the way home so we got snacks and that made me better). I was a bit more scaredy by myself, like going past where a log had been on fire and smelled funny. And especially when the silly deer jumped from the bushes onto my trail right behind me, I had to go scooting forwards cos in case for it being a mountain lion maybe. I also didn't want to go past the scary puddle which I have not liked every time it's there even though other puddles aren't so scary so I went sidewards past it. I went across the ditch of doom even less worried than before, although Cyd still got off me cos I jump super big. I also jumped a teeny tiny tree, all four feet off the ground at once, cos I forgot how to step over quietly like a grown up even though I've done it loads.
On my way home on the squirrelly trail

I have a new bit now, and it came ages ago in November but I've been in my halter and doing good. Cyd says I should learn to go in a bit too cos for being a well-rounded pony in my learnings (though I'm definitely well-rounded in my belly already!). It's taken a while for us to find one we agree on. The first one I liked but Cyd didn't, then one she liked but I didn't, then one neither of us liked, now this kind. It is called loose ring and on the bars that go in my mouth are some different metal for making it taste different. I wore it for my lunging last week, and before that wore it in my field for the correct strap fittings on my head and thought I was supposed to suck on it like a straw for ponies. But I realised it wasn't and felt pretty silly. Here is what I look like from my back on a pony ride:
My Aunty E made me my special bridle and I love it and she makes all kinds of cool things and I'm super spoiled, but make an excellent model!

My biggest news for today is that I did real trottings. I have done a little baby tiny bit, not even full laps of my circle place (Whew, It's Tiring Being Growed Up). When I have been pony riding with Aunty Z I kinda did a bit of sorta trotting but not really. Today I did it for really reals. A few times actually, and Cyd even did something called posting (unless she is talking to her English pony friends where she does rising trot). I was so awesome at it, and Cyd says I'm super comfty even though I'm just a baby and not super good at trotting yet. Look, this is me doing trottings:

I got ridden nearly all the way home, but Cyd hopped off part way on the squirrelly trail cos I was starting to get a little bit silly. She just didn't know that I really had to go pee. I was much better once I wasn't holding it. I was mostly really good after that except for being really bad going past the ponies that talk to me that are new on my street. I wanted to chat to my friends and Cyd said "no, let's go home." So I did stopping, then I did canter, and then stopping again, and canter again. Which was silly of me cos then we had to practice marching up and down the street concentrating on Cyd not on my friends. She is just so needy! When we get home, we do selfies, but I like to take up more screen cos I'm cuter :)
I thought I did just like an endurance pony cos there was trail and hills and trottings and snacks, but apparently I need to get bigger and smarter and I'll be making more sweats and do my loop plus 43 more miles and then I'll have it. That's a long ways so I guess I'm not an endurance pony yet :( Tomorrow is going to be a big adventure, I'm going to meet a new friend, cos Cyd's friend Uncle F is bringing his pony in a pony trailer and picking me up to go ride in a new place for more exploring for me. I'm so excited!
My stats for today's adventuring :)

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