Wednesday 22 January 2014

Busy Busy Pony

Hello everybodies, how are you? I know you've heard a lot from me this week cos for me being so busy with my learnings. Today I am in Big Troubles. I did really good on my pony ride, just nearly four miles today, all on my lonesome.

I was quite tired from yesterday and the day before that, so we just went to my trails, up a big hill and home again. I didn't even get naughty or excited or prancy-jiggy when we turned around and went exactly home the way we came! (And ssh, I was relaxed enough to do weeing without Cyd getting off me. The strangest things make her pet me...) Cyd rode me the whole way on the squirrelly trail and I did great, and she hopped off at the road to lead me the last little bit. Lucky she got off. I lost my brain!! There were ponies in fields on both sides of me on the road and they were bucking and neighing and being loons and it was all too much. So it wasn't really entirely my fault for being a bit bad, but I was a lot bad and nearly fell down on the road and messied up one of my hoofs cos for scraping it around the road like a skidding thing.

S'ok though cos it doesn't hurt me but my leg is a bit sore from nearly doing the splits with my back legs. Even then I didn't slow down, we had to stay on the side of the road until I put some brain cells back in my head. Every time we tried to go home again I started with the spinning and the rearing and the bucking and the trying to gallop away. Apparently this is called "Over-reacting" and even though those ponies were being silly, they were in their fields, not busy doing their learnings like me. I have to learn to focus. That's Cyd being needy again. She yelled at me and made the people watching me laugh cos she called me mean names cos for being a dummy-face.
But I did really really good at pony riding :)
A bit full of myself
"Stop! I Heard Something!!!"
I did good at pony riding at least, please give me foodstuffs
Today's stats. We did a lot of up for such a little pony ride

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