Tuesday 7 January 2014

Totally Amazing

Hello everybodies and how are you and all that. Now to me. I DID AMAZING! Today was my big day. I was hanging out in my field, and Cyd was measuring my food bag to see what I ate in the night time and re-stuffing it for my belly's delight and cleaning up after me so people can fertilize their plants. I was hanging out by her truck when she called me over and she had my halter, so I zoomed around the barn to be in the right spot. She brushed me and cleaned my hooves and got me ready for pony riding. Then she said it was nearly time and that I should hang out and be patient until we were ready. I was ready so I didn't understand why we were waiting. Meanwhiles I did some napping.
Finally Cyd came and clipped my rope back on me and put her helmet on my saddle and put my reins out of the way. We went out the gate and she let me snack on some grasses which I don't usually get to do. Don't ask questions, just eat. Soon after I heard clip-clop coming up the road and spinned around and there was my Aunty Z riding my ginger friend Rioja. He is a very good pony, that sometimes Cyd borrows to go pony riding cos I'm too little. Aunty Z hopped off, and we set off up the road. I had to show off to my friend how grown up I am, so I prancied and jiggied and got told off for being a pest. We were headed for my trails. All uneventful. I was walking mostly good (though I kept putting Cyd's hair in my mouth and she says that is bad and I get boomped with my rope). Then Cyd and Aunty Z agreed that 'this was a good spot'. For what? Getting on our backs apparently, cos there was a bumpy in the trail to make them taller and us ponies smaller. Mr Rioja was in front of me by now, and Aunty Z stood by me even though I know to stand really good. She waited a bit to get on in case I was confused but I was doing good. It was quite strange but I did really well.
Totally a grown up
We got to the point at the bottom of a big hill where Cyd said we were done last time and took me home. But not today. I was so smart and carried her big butt all the way to the top and even did mini trottings a little bit cos Mr Rioja was walking better than me, but he slowed down so I can keep up. Then in a wider spot I decided to do some bouncing cos I felt really smart and Cyd said we must stop being silly and walk nicely so I did that too.
This is my concentrating face
I did really well all the way to going down some hill which I'm not good at. This bit of hill has a stretch on one side where the ground is all messed up and it's a pony eating cavern-rut in the trail. There's tons of room to go round but I was insistent that we should go that way. I had a bit of a strop and tried to imagine what The Black Stallion would do and did my best impersonations. The peoples just laughed at me and called me adorable and telling me to not fall down (I gotst a bit wobbly). It would seem I'm not a wild stallion after all :(

Next we got to the longer down hill with rocks on the ground, so the peoples got down and led us down the hill, then stayed off cos it was only a short ways to the ditch of doom. I got a bit impatient cos I'm a riding pony now, and twice I pulled Cyd's shoes off her heels even with her half chaps which is apparently 'Very Bad' and I must 'Stay in [my] box!'.
In my box that is invisibles
We got to a big grassy field and they let us eat grass snacks cos I was RAVENOUS! We only stopped for about ten minutes cos apparently it's not okay to roll with a saddle on your back and I kept trying to lie down between mouthfuls. I was making sweats and it was so itchy to my belly! We got to the ditch of doom and I did better than Mr Rioja. I took a big flying leap over the ditch with minimals pausing and he took almost ten minutes of coaxing. I made Aunty Z a bit nervous with the jumping cos she thought I trompled Cyd when I landed but I'm getting really good at this. Once we were all across we went to the mounting tree and Aunty Z failed at getting on the wrong side but me and Cyd did it good and nobody held my head :) I had a pausy bit when Cyd ducked under some branches and pushed some with her hands and that made needles fall on me but Mr Rioja waited until I was calm and off we went again to the next challenge.
I've told you how I like to dance on the bumpy bits of trail, and the hill to go home was FULL of them AND I had to step over a little tree that was even on a bumpy, two challenges in one and I did them awesomely. But by now I was feeling quite full of myself and getting my sassy pants on. I did some more wild stallion impressions cos practice makes perfect and Cyd laughed and told me off for being a bad pony. Aunty Z said something about a 'go-pro' to make me a movie star which I would be great at.
Much thanks to Aunty Z and Mr R for escorting me perfectly
We mostly worked together until I started tantrumming cos for being tired of all this grown-up-ness and starving hungry. Aunty Z came and stood by my face with Mr Rioja and we walked together for a bit so I could finish on a 'good note'.
We got to the end of our lollipop and Cyd hopped off to walk me the rest home cos for some big down hill and I was being good and we didn't want any arguments to finish such a good day. I am just so awesome!
Homeward bound to fooood
Like a real proper big pony! :D See you on the trails....
Sweats make you itchy
My stats, 'cept I only did 6 miles and didn't go that super fast,
 Cyd didn't shut off my tracker
No time for halter removal, must eat!