Wednesday 13 November 2013

Whew - It's Tiring Being Growed Up

Closing eyes allows for greater concentrations...
Hi Everybodys! I think I might be ready for a nap, I've been super busy lately. After my little foray into being a dragon pony, I decided to settle down and do some 'real big pony work'. So on Sunday I walked in a much more appropriate manner to where my friends live so I could get brushed and get my saddle. I paid attention really good practicing my circles. Then Cyd got on my back. I stood really still like I know I should. She hung out for a minute then hopped off again. Then back up. Then off. The next time she stayed there, and petted me. Then I felt the bomp bomp of her feet on my belly. I vaguely remember that before when we practiced pony riding, that if I move forward after the bomp bomp I get congratulated. It worked. Move forward and get a nice neck scratch. We didn't do much this day, just remembered the things we learned before, like turning my head when Cyd pulls the rein, and practiced forward and stop. Stop confused me a bit so I waggled my nose in the air, but I figured it out. Then I got a bit full of myself and tried to bounce a bit, and see if I could get both front feet up at the same time. It didn't work and Cyd got her angry voice and bopped me by my head. I didn't like that at all, that might not be a good thing to do I guess. Once I did everything appropriately Cyd got off and gave me all kinds of attentions. We hung out a minute, then she hopped back on and made me do everything one more time except stop cos I waggled my nose so I did that an extra time. Silly me!

"I'm really good at pony riding Bugsy, you'll do fine" - Poncho
The next day we did the same thing, except I felt smart after Sunday's refresher. I watched and listened really good, and stayed really still when it was mounting time. We practiced turning and moving at the same time today, and it was a bit hard but I soon got the hang of it. I did real proper circles, and even remembered to keep going when I got next to where my friends were watching (usually I like to check in with them in case they got some gossip since I passed by on my last lap). Cyd was really proud of me, and we worked for nearly 20 minutes! Time for a day off from pony riding to review in my brain and just play with toys.

Today was my best pony riding day yet. We only did a little bit of circle practice without Cyd on my back, since I was doing so good. Once she got on me, it was right away time for working on my goings and my turnings and my stoppings. No nose waggling today, and already I am learning that sometimes my rein isn't always what says turn, but if I concentrate super hard, Cyd shifts about a little in my saddle and only pushes me with one foot, and when she does that she means turn. I go better left than right, but I'll get there. She asked if I was feeling really super smart and grown up today to learn something new. I got really confused, because we were walking about, and she did the bomp bomp again. But, I'm already going? Then she says the things that mean I should go faster when we practice circles with her on the ground. How does she think I can go faster lugging her butt around? Bomp bomp again, and my 'speed up' noise. Better give this a shot. It wasn't so bad. I only went a few steps and she made a big fuss of me. We walked a little more, then tried it again. I made it nearly half way around the pen this time. I am just so smart! We turned around (see, practicing skills everywhere..) and tried going the other way. I was a bit more wobbly going this way but I did it.
"Hey Cowboy, I did trottings"
So Hungry
So Thirsty
Cyd told me how amazing I was and that we were all done for today. She was all hot and sweaty and said it's hard teaching baby ponies. I argue that actually I must be a grown up now cos I did trotting, and I was actually doing all the work!! I even made some sweats myself, just enough to be a little sheeny. It was warm and I am collecting my wintry fluff to stay cozy.  I am totally ready for napping, I had to hold in my yawns till I thought Cyd wasn't watching cos I don't want her to think I'm still a baby. And I needed to eat loads of foods, lucky I saved some breakfast today!
One day we'll go adventuring, and I'll go trotting everywhere :)