Wednesday 6 November 2013

Looking Fly In My Tie-Dye

Good morning Bugsy-fans, I'm back! Not that I've really been anywhere, but still. I need to show you how difficult it can be to be Cyd's pony; look at what she dresses me in:
Tie-dye sport booties
I tried to eat one of the front booties, and managed to get hold of part of it in my mouth and pulled, but it was on there pretty snug. It took me a while to figure out that all I was achieving was picking up my own foot. Apparently they are to help my skinny little legs when I do grown up pony things like pony riding. I haven't done pony riding in a while, and when I do it's super easy ambling about, not for-reals pony riding. I haven't even been for an explore on the '"trails" that my friends keep telling me about. I'm excited to go, but it's not my turn yet since I have to be busy with my growing. In the mean time I do other grown up things like hold myself still for my photo to be taken:
S'ok, I got me
I feel funny when they first go on me, and step really high with my front feet and squiggly-sideways with my back feet. I figure it out a little faster each time, and soon I'll probably not care, which will be good cos it makes people laugh at me and I get embarrassed.
Today I practiced on my hill. My field is mostly flat, but to get to my sand pits for my rolling I have to go up and down a short but steep little hill. Sometimes Cyd makes me practice the hill with her because I can be a bit silly and have to bounce to keep my balance. She says we have to get really good, cos if I can't be careful when she's holding my rope I might fall down when she's on my back, which would be really bad. Some days I do more sensibles than others, and today we tried it in my booties so I can get used to how they feel when I'm not in flat spaces. This is my hill, it's fun to play on, but quite sandy and soft so some bits we can't practice on. Sometimes my cookie toys roll down it and get really fast and roll under a neighbour fence, cos I'm silly playing right on the edge.
I have two rolling sandy pits for playing and itching in. There used to be three, but one is cut off by hot fence, cos the lady who lives behind that wood fence doesn't like me, and says I need to be kept out of that corner otherwise my wees might get in her drinking water, which is stupid, but we oblige. Before I was a smarter bigger pony, I managed to get stuck in the corner. The hot fence was made not hot so a different part away from there could be fixed. Nobody could see that corner, and I thought it would be fun to sneak in. Troubles is, they turned the fence back on and went to bed!!! I was stuck there all night til breakfast time, when I got spotted and released. I was thirsty and a bit hungry but fine otherwise. Now I stay away from there unless my cookie ball rolls in there. Lucky the neighbour lady didn't see me, she'd think I was intentionally wee-ing at her hehehe :)

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