Tuesday 7 July 2015

I'm Not Retired

Hello everybodies, how are you? I am fabulous after just having a mini holiday in my field cos for Cyd being all kinds of busy. Her people jobs have been busy, so she doesn't get to have days off, and shift switching, and important Things To Do meant that I didn't go pony riding for a while. We were going to go on Sunday, but there was a little accident while I was getting brushed. There was some winds blowing stuff, and somehow it blew the door to my tack shed right off and threw it at me and Cyd, bomping us both. I pulled back really hard to break free, and trompled Cyd's feeties and bomped her a bit, but she bomped me cos for going forwards away from the door but into me. We are both totally okays, but I was a bit jumpy after that, and Cyd had a foot owie, so we just did brushing and being brave. We also couldn't go pony riding until Uncle J came to fix the door, so we would have run out of time. But finally yesterday we got to go. I was really good getting ready and only a bit stubborn walking up the road. When Cyd got on me I walked really quite slowly, then we had a discussion about who picks the trail route. Lately I always want to turn left down the emergency trail and up the bumpy trail and down the steep hill, but Cyd wants me to go up the steep hill, down the bumpy trail, and up the emergency trail. I gave into her finally, but walked so.so.very.slowly.like.I.might.be.dying... Seriously, not even two miles in each hour speed, and Cyd having to make my go faster noise and boomp me with her feeties. She made me do some trotting to wake up, but that was super slow too, dragging my hoofies along. After nearly two miles I finally woke up, and decided to make up for lost time. COMEONCYDLET'SGOREALLYFASTLIKEARACEPONY!!!
So first Cyd makes me do going cos for me being slow, then she makes me do stopping cos for me being fast. She is so picky. We even had to adjust my hackamore to make more stopping power (I was just on the halter ring before). I just did trotting in my canter place, which was lucky cos for being startled by a big group of people sitting around in chairs in a garden, where usually there are no people, and small people running around and squealing at seeing such a pretty pony come past. On the way home we did canter in a different place, and Cyd was wondering why I was cantering like a baby again. She looked down, and I was totally cantering on my right lead. I like to only do canter on my left lead, but today I picked right. It was harder for me to balance but I totally did it, then did it again! Wheeee, I'm a multi-direction canter pony!

Also, in case you were wondering about my stalker, I'm totally padlocked into my field now, for safeties. I don't want to get liberated by a crazy lady! It's still possible for me to be got out of my field by those who know how if there was an emergency and the key wasn't available, but not easy for someone trying to steal me or set me free.

P.S. - Cyd is concerned for me doing more growing. She keeps coming to see me, and I'm always laying down being lazy in my field. Every other time I've done this in the past is right before I do some more growing. She says I'm big enough, but who knows when I'll stop?

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