Monday 11 May 2015

I'm A Working Pony!

Hello everybodies! How are you? I am so fabulous, cos for doing a special kind of pony riding on Sunday, and for getting big and strong. Look how beefy I'm getting:
 I did trail guiding, me as the boss pony with me and Cyd in charge of the other pony riders. I did pretty awesome. I was mostly grown up all day. I got on the pony trailer with minimum stopping. I came out politely at the other end, but with a bump on my face somehow. Don't worry, I'm totally okay, and only a few bloods came out.
My owie
I met my new friend Xingu on the pony trailer, and we became great buddies super fast. We stood good with each other waiting for our people to pack their lunches, and he was nice to me and patient when my brain got confused sometimes. I didn't get mad at him at all, even when he bumped into my butt.
Ready for my first day at work
Whilst I was not in the very front a lot, that was actually still a bit hard for me cos for the front pony not always walking slow enough. I could keep up, but my new friend Xingu couldn't, so I kept having to do stopping for him and Cyd was making me do slow walking and us getting left behind a bit. I mostly was okay with this; I did some small bounces, but Cyd said it was important for me to do my best behavings for this pony ride. We started out just great, walking quietly to warm our muscles up, then doing trottings and canterings up the big hill. I didn't have to walk once cos for me getting so strong! We were heading for the Spectacular trail, with all the grasses and the views!
Bugsy the leader
We got our picture taken too
One of my new skills is riding up next to my friend, Cyd getting their camera, telling them where to pose, and then being a good tripod-pony so Cyd could take good pictures. Not all ponies are good at this, but I did pretty well! We had to take a detour to get to lunch time cos for a tree blocking our path, but we got there finally. Us ponies got tied to our usual tree while the peoples went to eat their food. At one point Cyd looked over and thought she couldn't see my butt, just Xingu's butt. Another person said they promised they could see me, so Cyd stayed eating her snacks. Guess what happened when they done and coming to get us? I was totally not where I'd been left, I snapped my reins and took myself off for a snack. The field we were in was huge tall grasses waiting to turn into hay, and I was gorging myself to be fueled for our next bit of riding! Lucky Cyd had some tape so she was able to fix them up good enough to keep riding. (Hey Aunt-E, can Cyd order some new reins please? I broke the yellow bit and now they're quite short!) We went to the creek for a drink, and I was so thirsty and drank and drank and drank, and did some snorkeling of course. Our afternoon ride was a nice walk on a shorter loopy. There were so many pretty flowers, we had to take some pictures.
My new friend Xingu and rider K
Forget-me-nots everywhere
We had so much fun on this pony ride that I forgot that I don't like to get in the pony trailer, and just hopped right in after Cyd. She says eventually I will be so brave that I will go in all by myself. Once we got home we had to be given our showers and eat our mash food. It was a bit chilly to be standing around all wet while I ate my snacks, and Cyd had forgotten to bring my warm fuzzy yellow cooler, so Aunty V found me a snuggly blanky to keep me warm. Cyd failed at figuring it out so Aunty V had to wrap me up. Thanks Aunty V! I think...
Snugsy as a Bugsy
Mash face

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