Thursday 18 June 2015

Trekking Day

Edit - 'Today' is yesterday, Cyd totally failed at working her computer :)
Hello everybodies, how are you? I am fabulous after a good pony ride today. I went trekking with my friends and my Aunty V and the Lady in Red. Like usual for my Wednesday joinings of trek, my friends went down the beach first. Cyd comes to get me, puts me in the pony trailer, and we go to wait for them. Once we get to Simcha, we all get out, drink some waters, and pick long or middle length rides. Cyd picked long for me.
We started going around Hidden Meadow to warm us up. Leaving Hidden Meadow we do trotting and pop out back near the pony trailers. I was confused why we didn't go back to the trailer yet, but my friends were cantering off up the hill without me so off I went after them. I went in the back in case I got tired on the canter hills, which is lucky cos for only making it half way up the driveway before having to take a breather and do trottings the rest of the way. We stopped at the top for pictures.
No ocean view pictures cos of the fog, but the scenery the other side is pretty spectacular too. Next we go down Big Trees trail, jump massively bigger over the ditch than is at all necessary, and pause to admire the massive 1500 year old Redwood trees. Next is time to do some cantering up the hill. Cyd got her phone to do movie-ing, but I had to take a potty break first, so forgive me waiting before I zoom. 
Near the top is two ways to go, and we nearly missed the turn. Lucky we saw a flash of white, Zhivago had waited for us to catch up to show us where to go! We just ambled our way up to lunch times, where I was securely tied with my new rope that lives on my saddle to stop me destroying more reins with my chewing. 

After lunches there was long or middle again, and we picked the long route. On Osprey trail we did some trottings, and the ponies ahead of me were doing big trottings and I couldn't keep up so I did canter.

I probably could have kept up doing trottings, but now I think that canter is the answer. As long as I was polite I was allowed to do canter. I got a bit stuck at the top of Green Gate trail, thinking I knew the best way to go. My friends just left me until I straightened my brain out. When we did trottings and canterings on Green Gate I might have had a little melt down, cos for being nervous with a big pony behind me, and not being with the group, and the more upset I got the further behind I got and the closer the big pony got and the more I got upset so I got further behind and he got closer and I got more upset and further behind and OHMYGOODNESSMYBRAINISHURTINGSOISHALLLEAPFORTHESKY!!!!!!!!
We had a big hill to go up next, and I've done it one time before but I was just walking, and took a ton of breaks, and did a lot of breathing. This time I cantered nearly the whole way. Zoom up the first two steep bits, quick trotting break on the flat, trot the next steep bit, canter the rest of the way. I am so strong, everyone was really proud of me. We walked back to Simcha and Cyd got off to lead me down the driveway cos for me doing good today. I had a big drink at the bottom, then hopped in the pony trailer really good. Back at where my friends live, I had a shower and got snugged in with my fuzzy cooler while I ate my snacks.
Cyd was in the barn to collect my saddle from where we took it off me, and was walking back to her truck. OHNOBUGSYISGONE! I was totally not where I had been left cos for getting thirsty and deciding to take myself off for a drink. Troubles is, I didn't break the rope, or the string I was tied to, or the clip on the rope, or my halter. Nothing was broken. I am the most talented pony in the world who managed to unclip my own rope! Pretty fancy, right?

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