Tuesday 11 February 2014

Piss & Vinegar

Hey everybodies! How are you? Hopefully much drier today :) I hated the rain, and spent most of my time in my house. It's a bit rainy in there too, but not like outside. It stopped yesterday and Cyd came to clean me cos I was gross for not being brushed in like six days. Ew!

Today was pony riding day (maybe my only pony riding day this week cos for more raining coming). Cyd says it's not helpful that I'm not ready for too much yet, cos today I was full of stuff called piss and vinegars. It means I was doing my bouncing all over the place, and super dooper happy to be out. Troubles is, it was super slippery on my trails cos for not being dry yet. I did skidding a lot which is kinda fun but also kinda wobbly and chances of hurting me. There was also a lot of puddles which is not good for me cos I don't like them so Cyd makes me go to them instead of going home.
My nemesis!
We played here for a little while and I had some carrot snacks and learned to be brave, then it was time for Cyd to get on my back again and off we go! I did a little bit of trotting practice where the ground wasn't spiky or too slidey, even though I didn't worry about either of those things. Cyd is such a pansy "No Bugsy, walk here, you'll fall down". "No Bugsy, there are rocks and you'll be complaining about owie feet later" "Easy Bugsy, walk when it's slippery". Always telling me what to do like she's the boss of me. It doesn't look so good in the picture, but this trail was suddenly super green from all the rains.
I also had tons of fun on my twisty trail, although Cyd said it was dark and scary in there today and it's lucky I was there to protect her. It smelled kinda funny today, and everything looked different cos for being wet.
These are blurry cos for doing trottings

We went up up up and did some extra trottings when it wasn't wet cos for Cyd thinking I'm too bouncy today and need to burn some energy. I'm getting super fit super fast! When we got to the top it got really really cold, and we were wet from where damp branches drip dripped on us then we were wet and cold. Brr. So we did trottings to get us warm again. Trot trot breathe trot trot breathe was my pattern for going up really good. Then the air turned funny and it got spooooky... I kept stopping for having to look really carefully in case of monsters lurking.
What's down there? Do we have to go?
Lightning Tree
Where'd the oceans go? Can usually see prettyness here
Next up was back down a slippy slidey hill and I decided to be baby bratface cos I've been doing so good lately. I acted up and skidded a bit and Cyd yelled at me about not breaking our necks and I hate being yelled at. Turns out the deer hate it too, cos one was hiding and maybe Cyd scared it cos it jumped out in front of us and I had to do crazyponystyle to protect us from the evil monster and even though I was slipping on the slippy down hill I reared up really good, but then it was too wobbly. *Bomp* I went, butt to floor (not even just my back legs, my whole butt), and my front legs were still up high, and you know what happened? Cyd just can't keep up with me, and she scooted backwards. She tried to go lean forwards and wriggled and failed. She slid out my saddle and slid all the way back down off my butt as I was getting up. She managed to land on her feets and didn't get hurted, and still had my rein loopy in one hand, and caught my tail in her other hand, so I was captured and couldn't run away, not that I tried. I totally saved us but Cyd doesn't agree and says I'm doing the over-reacting thing again. She walked next to me for a bit to make sure I wasn't hurted from falling down, and I wasn't so after we crossed my nemesis puddle again she got back on. I was a bit more careful on the other downwards, but not as much as I probably should have been . Once I got home Cyd checked me again, then took me to do rolling in my sand pit.

 Then I did playing with my green ball but I don't quite get it:

Silly silly me. I went charging up my little hill and did galloping and bucking at the top but Cyd was too slow to video me. Rubbish girl. Only gets my foolish moments! Oh well. Here is my stats for today's ride. I might get to go pony riding on Thursday in the morning if it doesn't do raining, but it probably will.
Byeee :)

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