Friday 30 August 2013

Boingy Boingy I'm a brave pony

Bouncy bouncy fun fun fun, the wonderful thing about Bugsy's is, I'm the only one! A little modifcation of the Tigger song to better suit me. I'm really good at bouncing over hay bales. Not sure why we do it, but it is fun. I went to visit my friends at the horse ranch yesterday, and I looked and learned about all kinds of things. I was quite scared of the measuring stick but I'm not sure why. I'm a weird pony, what can I say! The best bit was my jumping though, look at me go. I have to bounce a little after each jump to show how smart I am! These were not my best jumpies either!

Today we went walkabouts in the neighbourhood to see what we can find. I made new friends who have apples in their yard, so I snacked while Cyd chatted with the lady. She has two ponies, and currently a visiting pony at her house. And she knows a way to trails and said she would show Cyd so she can take me, and sometimes takes her ponies in a trailer to ride somewhere called Caspar, and said she would take me if I want! I think that's a great idea for when I'm a bit bigger and smarter at pony-riding. It was hard to reach to get the apples, cos the person feeding me has teeny tiny t-rex arms and was worried I might eat his fingers off, so even though I climbed up high he threw the apples instead. I found most of them, they were delicious, even the one that boomped my face.
I'm like a giant up here
I also met someone on a bicycle who cycled really hard up the hill. We passed him later and he asked if it was okay to pass me like that, and he didn't know the etty-kets for ponies and bicycles so would we please tell him, then he can't make ponies or their people mad. I told him, then searched his bike all over in case he was stashing energy cookies somewhere. He smelled a little funny, apparently he smokes some weeds, which is silly cos Cyd always tells me to not eat the weeds but who knows. My neighbours are very odd. I hadn't smelled it before so sniffed a lot and got pet. I was really brave when the great big huge truck came by, and when the scary dog chased me. It was a breed that has a bad reputation, and whilst I do not like to judge pets by their type, this one wanted to get me! Cyd boomped him with the knot on the end of my leadrope and yelled really loud to make it go away. Train your puppies, stupid heads. Or at least get a fence. I was minding my own business in the street, nowhere near your house. So nuh!
What are you looking at?

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