Tuesday 13 August 2013

My New Cape

HayHayHay! How are you? I'm amazing (as usual!). Look how shiny I am these days:

Really really ridiculously good looking ;)
I had a great lesson this morning. It started out terrifying. Turns out the blue monster that I thought I killed by trotting on its face came back AGAIN! It shows up every so often, but I just stomp it so it's no problem. Not this time. It attached itself to Cyd and was chasing us around my field. I made sure she had my rope held tight so I could drag her away if need be.  Stupid biped does not give these terrors the respect they deserve. We dragged it around a bit to knock the fight out of it, or so we thought. We clearly didn't do good enough, cos it jumped on Cyd's head where I couldn't see her. I tried my very hardest to save her, but the monster dug its heels in and held my face so I couldn't. And you know what? It was all a trick. They ganged up on me to pretend she was being eaten, when really she was trying to tell me the monster was okay. I wasn't too sure about that nonsense.
"Are you ok in there?"
Especially what came next. Cyd said it was time to practice being a superhero, and to stand really still like I was getting my saddle on, or my blanky. Except the blue monster is a louder and not as snug and comfy as my blanky so it's not the same at all. I got quite dizzy the first few times, because once I'm nervous of something it takes a while for me to trust it again. Eventually I stood still while I got patted, and the blue monster rubbed my shoulder. It started sneaking up on my withers and I wasn't sure of that so ran in teeny tiny circles again, but since it didn't run away I stopped. I settled for snorting really loud like a dragon pony at it, while it snuck further over my back. It was creeping everywhere.
"Umm, really not too sure about this..."
I was really not sure of this game at all. Even worse, Cyd then pulled it up my neck. She said it was my new cape and I was like a superhero. I didn't get my picture that time cos I didn't want to be left by myself and it was getting a little breezy which made my cape rustle super loud and got me scared. Since there was just two of us doing my lesson I don't get a personal photographer to get some of my clever or silly moments. Cyd should get on that...

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