Monday 24 June 2013

Not Impressed!

Do I look pleased? No! I look bedraggled. It's raining. Stupid rain. I want my blanky but apparently it's too warm, so I have to get wet. "Go stand under a tree" says the girl who can go inside whenever she likes. Humph. And she had rain gear that was somewhat terrifying to begin with. It rustles at me like she might have a pony-eating monster in her pocket. By the end of my lesson I was brave enough for pictures though:
Since it was raining we only had a mini groundwork lesson. Apparently my manners are a bit "iffy" at the moment. It's not my fault I like cuddles, and really, why should I move over when you could just go around me? Fools! Supposedly it wasn't bad that it was raining, since I'm more pushy when it's wet or windy, so it was extra good practice. Cyd could just take me home and let me hang out there, then I wouldn't have to be rude now would I? Even the dogs get to go inside, and they eat poop. But I'll forgive and forget, cos when I did all the pointless things I was meant to do like go backwards and forwards and led from both sides (not a fan of that..) and turn my butt end then my front end and so on, I got soup. And I got brunch as well as breakfast, since it was feed store day, and I had half a portion of hay left from last time, and the shed fits exactly four bales, no more at all! This happens a lot, I love feed store day! Sometimes I get new cookie flavours, but not this time.
When I get soup, I like to put my face way in the bucket and submerge myself up to my nostrils and slurp. Cyd should video my bubbles one day, but for now you just get to see my drippy face. I'm still less than best pleased about being a grown up in the rain, but this kinda sorta makes up for it!

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