Monday 10 June 2013

Introducing... (~drum roll please~) Me!

Hi Everybody! I'm Agenda, aka The Bug Eyed Bandit, aka BUGSY.
I'm a three year old Arabian gelding with a lot of brains, but not much idea how to use them (yet!). I'm learning a lot of stuff right now, and do silly things - like last night I swallowed the cap to my wormer thinking it was a new kind of cookie. Cyd won't make that mistake again! She should know better, since my favouritist thing in the world is putting stuff in my mouth, and running away with it. I lead myself, I led my friend Fuega, I like to help put saddles on, I fill my own water bucket, see:

My grooming stuff has to live in a box with a lid, because I steal the brushes, and Cyd got mad when I took her saddle away and left a hole in it. I loooove cookies, they are my other favouritist thing. I'm not so sure about this growing up malarkey; it's fun but sometimes it makes my brain hurt, there's so much to think about. Really, why do I have to go in circles on a giant lead rope? What purpose can that possibly serve? But, Cyd says I have to, so around I go. She's got on my back a few times, not such a big deal I guess, but pretty lazy on her part. The best thing is when we go for adventures. I quite like seeing my friends down the road at the horse ranch, and meeting new things, like mail boxes and wheely bins. Cyd just found trails near my house, so she's started taking me hiking. It's fun, but there's not much food so I have to snack any time I find a tasty patch of anything green. We could starve out there. Hills are quite tricky, so I bounce around a bit in case it helps, especially going down.

I'm going to talk about all the fun stuff I do, so you can come read it if you like. Maybe I'll figure out how to be a big pony sometime!

Also known as - I have an on-call job that limits what I can do during my shift when I'm not actually at work. Something to fill my time :) Cyd

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