Friday 21 June 2013

Good Baby Bad Baby

Well, I had a rather rude awakening this morning. I finished my breakfast, found myself the poopiest spot in my field, and lay down to nap some more. It's really quite tiring being a little horse all day!

Of course, Cyd has other plans for me. She has my fancy new yellow halter, and is telling me I'm a lazy bones and that it's time to get up and go to work. I don't think I like this growing up nonsense, but there is usually cookies, so I contemplate my options for a moment...
I agreed we could go to work for a little while if I could sleep in the sunshine afterwards. I took a minute to be brushed cos I got poop in my hair and apparently that's not appropriately stylish for a grown up. Once I had my saddle and my bit and Cyd's helmet we went to the circle place where my friends live. We had company today, Miss Rebecca who has a very nice pony that used to live up my street. He wasn't there but she rubbed my face so it's ok :)
We went into the circle place, and Cyd got on me. I stood really still again, because I'm expert at that game now. They both petted me, and Rebecca walked away a little. Cyd smooshed me with her shoe and pointed my nose in that direction, so I followed Rebecca. I'm a good follower! I mostly followed her really well, but sometimes she got a little far ahead and I got confused, so she came back to get me. I don't very much like going to the right, so we need to practice that some more, but I got it sussed out. We walked about for ten minutes or so, and since I did so good we got to finish up quick. Apparently I might get brain fry if I learn too much in one day. Rebecca took my picture before we stopped so you can all see how grown up I am:

I'm really quite very good looking, although don't make fun of my pink pad. That was put on without my approval! I just don't have all my own gear yet.

On the way home I was not so good. My friends were all getting ready for their day of trail riding, some were going in trailers, and some were going to the beach. I didn't want to leave them behind so I planted my feet in the driveway and there we stayed. And stayed some more. My friend Vida came and pushed on my butt and made funny noises so I went out into the road, then stopped again. I would take a few strides, then stop, and walk a stride, and stop. I watched one of the trailers drive away, and then watched the ponies go to the beach, and still I stopped. After a while Rebecca came to help again. Eventually I got moving, but in the process I did a Very! Bad! Thing! I didn't like her making me move when I wanted to stop (even though they were saying very nice things to me when I did move). In the end I lost my patience with these silly people and swung my back legs out, and I hit Rebecca. That put me in the Bad Books. Luckily I didn't hurt her, and they made me move fast until I got home and I co-operated a little bit more. I am a Bad Baby! I was just being obstinate, not malicious, but I have to learn to not do that. I don't usually act like that, but Cyd says both feet planting and kicking are Very Big No-Nos that will get me in Big Trouble! I don't like Big Trouble, and they'll be ready with new tricks next time I get stuck so I can learn how to unstick. But at least I did really good at my riding lesson. Hopefully Rebecca isn't really mad at me, and will help me again, cos I understand things much better with a follower. I'm going to go take a nap and think about what I did!

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