Wednesday 18 November 2015

Day After Day After Day

Hello everybodies, how are you? I am fabulous, but a bit tired, especially in my brain. I just did three pony rides in three days. That's quite a lot for me, but none of them were really hard. On day number Monday I went on my trails, just me and Cyd. She couldn't find her saw, so we hoped the storm didn't make too many branches do falling. We were going to pick our loopy depending on my brain, but then the woods decided for us. There was a tree down that even if Cyd had her saw we couldn't get through without it taking ages and ages. She hopped off and tried to find a way to lead me around, but there were rotten logs that I could get hurted on, so we turned around. Also we were nervous cos for it being so close to the hornet tree where I got lost in the woods on my own. So we turned back, but that was going to be a super short pony ride.
Lots of people said we should jump it, but I don't have the skills...
Instead of taking my trail home, we took one that we think dead ends. I was excited to explore, so trotted off. It turns out that it might not be a dead end after all. We're going to go out with a friend and explore one day, but it needs clearing a bit. We headed for home, but then instead Cyd made me go past my turn and head down the hill. We've explored this way before, and might be able to get a really big loopy, but it goes super close to someone's house and we don't want to be shooted at. The house is on the other side of the creek though, and so we just went down down the hill, so we could do trottings practice and canter back up. It was lots of fun, then we actually went home.
Early start
The next morning, Cyd came to get me really early. She gave me a little extra breakfasts, and was brushing me really fast. A pony trailer I never saw before pulled up outside. I got my saddle and Cyd's helmet and met a new friend, E and her pony called Waylon. I hopped right in the trailer (I'm really good at this now!) and started making friends. We went to Jackson State Forest to show our new friends the trails there. I was a bit bad at not letting Cyd get on me (did we mention how I STILL keep growing?!) and she was not her most springy, but somehow she ended up in my saddle and we were off.
Me and Waylonpony both did some snorting and lots of looking and the peoples laughed at us. Apparently we should be brave having a friend, but nope, not us! Mostly I was well behaved, having a few sticky moments. I didn't get too grumpy at Waylonpony, but I did bump him sometimes (with my butt, not my hoofies, but still unacceptable and got me growled at). At one time I was so busy making grumpy faces at him I forgot to watch my feeties and tripped over. I also got a bit full of myself when we were zooming up a fun skid trail, and ended up scooting over a big mound on my knees. Don't worry though, I'm totally okay. Thanks for taking us riding, we can't wait for our next adventure!
Me and my bestie
I'm not very good at Hide-n-Seek
This morning, guess who came pony riding? My bestie and Aunt-T. We haven't been pony riding with them much cos for them being so busy doing trail guiding, but now it's slow season they can come play again. We did a few kind of games today, and I'm not really sure I liked them. The first one was "Pass Me, Pass You". I was in the lead, then Hueypony trotted past me. Then I trotted past him. Then he trotted past me. Then I trotted past him. You get the idea. Hueypony was practicing being a good pony, I was practicing being a polite pony. Apparently it is not acceptable to threaten ponies that are trotting by. I learned quite fast, and I didn't do any butt swinging today, but I did make some grumpy faces. The next game was for me and Huey to both practice our being patient skills. Whoever was doing the overtaking kept going all the way around the corner until they were out of sight. The pony being passed had to stay walking politely, not bouncing, or rein snatching, or bucking. This one was a bit harder for both of us, but we both did really good.
My last one that I did, I stayed on a loose rein, and was alert but waited for Cyd to tell me if I could catch up or not. This is very good compared to my first one where I did so much bouncing that Cyd had to make me stand still four times just to be calm enough to walk around the corner. I'm a silly pony, but I'm learning.  I was super god when Cyd had to clear a branch (that she should have cleared weeks ago but is lazy and keeps getting bruised cos for it being so bad!) She didn't tie me up, I just hung out and waited patiently until she was done clearing. Don't worry, I was sandwiched with Cyd in front, and Aunt-T behind, so if I decided to try to leave someone would catch me, but I was happy to wait. The last game was definitely not one I like. Hueypony was involved, but he didn't have to practice like me. You know what he did? He touched me with his nose. Aunt-T let him, and even encouraged him, to keep touching me when we were standing and when we were walking. I had to practice sucking it up and being a grown up pony. Cyd says part of being a grown up is pretending to like people that we don't really. Neither of us are very good at it, but Cyd doesn't try to kick them. Troubles is, I like my friends. I whinny at them when I see their pony trailers, and when we're just hanging out at the trailer or drinking at the creek, I'm totally friendly. You know what else? Aunt-T touched me, and I wasn't allowed to make faces at her either. It was an exhausting game, but it is to make me better at behaving with my new friends so they still want to pony ride with me. Ticopony and Waylonpony are both also going to do enduring practice, so if I'm nice to them I can practice too, instead of us being on our own all the time. Cyd says I'm a pretty cool pony, but not a great conversationalist. Thanks for helping me learn Aunt-T and Hueypony, and good job Hue at getting better at your skills too!
Pony Selfie Time

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