Sunday 4 October 2015

New Go-Faster Booties

Hello everybodies, how are you? I am fabulous, like usuals. Today we did a middle length pony ride to check the appropriate fit and adjustings of my four new booties (one for each hoofy obviously). They are mostly the same as my last booties, the front ones are exactly, the back ones a bit different. My back booties were getting a bit snug, even if I wore them right after getting my feeties trimmed. We got me some slightly wider ones and they fit me much better. Today on my pony ride I did walking, trottings, canter, reversing, a big spook, and even some bucking and a nearly-gallop. No bootie-wiggling occurred. We did collide with a tree a bit though, which makes three times on three rides. Oopsies. Either me or Cyd at least needs to pay more attentions to where we're going. Cyd thinks I must think I'm a smaller horse than I really am, since I often try to squeeze through gaps that we don't quite fit through. This time I didn't bump myself, but I did bump Cyd's leg pretty hard, enough to make some skins fall off and it to start turning blue. I deny this is entirely my fault, step up Cyd, you call yourself a rider? You know why we needed to test the new booties today? Cos for going on Wednesday on a long enduring-training ride with some new friends. If the booties weren't right, we didn't want our new friends to think we were nuisances. Also, in two weeks, I am going to be doing more enduring! Yep, Cyd entered me in Lake Sonoma 50 mile pony ride. I'm such a grown up this year. Wish me luck!

Here's my pictures from today. Of course on a boot testing pony ride Cyd forgot to take pictures of my booties. Big fail!
Pampas grasses
Zooming through the woods
Pony selfie
Taking a break to look at the ocean
I even got a shower cos for it being so hot today

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