Tuesday 6 January 2015

Photos Of Meeee

Hello everybodies. How are you? I am fabulous as always. I got my feeties trimmed yesterday so soon when my new saddle gets here I'll be totally ready for pony riding again. I was aq bit naughty for doing feet trimming, Cyd says we have to work on my manners big times. Lucky my trimmer lady is patient with my antics, and we come to an agreement. Remember how I said that I was not appropriately mind-ready to do pony riding for new year traditions? Well, Aunt-T took a ton of pictures of me. So since I don't have much to say, you can look at me all you like. There is 153 of me, so it was hard for Cyd to pick which ones I should do blogging with. Enjoy looking at me, k?



Emergency stoppings

Bugsy close up

Bunched up


So pretty

Looking more like something Cyd wants to ride hehe

Snack break before doing proper circles

Sunshine napping

Doing kisses with my bestie

Doing workings

Oooh plasticky

The sweats are in my eyeballs!


We look pretty good, right?

Aunt-T snuck this one of Cyd