Sunday 12 October 2014


Hey everybodies, how are you? I am so fabulous, wanna know why? I went to the beach! I have been to the beach a couple of times, ponied by my friend Fuega, and one time Cyd just walked me there like a big dog. We are so lucky the beach is less than a mile from my house. Aunt-T came too, and rode Indy pony, who I have done pony riding with a few times before. We had some trouble (a lot of trouble) walking down the road and I got tied in a stall to calm my brain cells while Indy finished getting ready. Finally it was time to go, I was calmer, and the peoples got on us. Aunty V clipped a rope to my halter and handed the other end to Aunt-T cos for having to ride across Highway 1, so if I did my stopping it could be quite dangerous. Turns out I didn't need help but all the peoples were happier with me clipped up in case. Cyd said I felt a bit like a bomb waiting to go off so I stayed on the pony rope. I got a bit scared when there were some deer that I couldn't see making noises, but not of the tents and people doing camping and barbecuing. We had a sticky moment when Indy decided to be mad at me and struck out with his front foot at me. I was sad and jumped out the way. When we got near the ocean to the haul road we stopped for me to do some big breaths, it was a bit perplexing for me. There were four small people on bicycles yelling, and their grown up taking pictures, and people watching the sunset, and people walking their dogs. I quickly got brave enough to go past. Cyd and Aunt-T decided we shouldn't go on the beach since our ride wasn't going quite to plan in mine and Indy's behaving. But we were doing good now so they decided to at least go down to the sand so I get an idea of doing beach riding. I went down super brave, and I was suddenly a beach riding grown up pony!
Aunt-T was going to take a photo of me and Cyd, but when we got close Indy got so so mad at me, and came at me like a wild stallion. He never acted like that before, and just a short while ago we were hanging out doing trekking together. Can you believe he hates me so much? Not usual Indy behaving. Cyd decided, and Aunt-T agreed, to take me off the pony rope. We were better taking our chances with me getting super freaked out on my own than probably getting me or Cyd hurt by grumpy Indy. I did pretty good on my own going home. I didn't even get scared we came by four dogs and one barked at me (it was just little though). And we were following the childrens on bicycles and they confused me but didn't make me get scared. After that I did awesome going home! We need to do a better pony ride with my bestie another time, but at least I finally did it!

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