Tuesday 11 November 2014

Visitors and Explorations

Hello everybodies! How are you? I am (of course) fabulous, and well rested. Cyd went on people holiday last month for eight days, and we were supposed to pony ride the day she left but the weather was a bit funny and Cyd just had a feeling we should not pony ride. When she visited me later it seemed that was a good option cos for me being bratty. When she came back from people holiday, her mummy and her nana were here to visit us. So on Tuesday we fetched my Aunty V and went for a pony ride. Cherokee was not behaving super appropriately so we just did walking for safeties.
Then I had five more days off. Then I did a mini lunging session in my crupper. I started doing good, so we were going to stop, then I went into crazy pony mode. I'm definitely getting better at it though. Then Cyd made me a thing called 'fauxssoa' for encouraging me to keep using my back good. These can be harsh, but we kept it gentle for me. It will have its own post soon for you to see. Then I didn't get pony ridden again til Sunday, when I went exploring with my bestie.
I got a bit chubby in my time off. I also did some bad pony riding things like bucking for funzies, which got me laughed at, and even did kicking which got me in Big Troubles cos for kicking is NOT OKAY!!!!! Lucky I didn't get anyone hurted. We did kissing too, so he's still my bestie. 
Aunt-T got video of my trying to buck but we can't make it work yet. We went exploring down a new trail. It was really overgrown so we had to adventure our way through. I totally barged my way into the wilderness and got laughed at again. Instead of ducking my head, I just squint my eyes closed and push through. It got too grown over for even Cydvto go on foot so we turned around. My bestie didn't seem to be feeling super awesome so we took the short way back, and we got led on the downhill. We did some practicing of my manners too.
This is me being full of myself!
And being a polite grown up pony.
I got ridden down the road cos for being good, and was even brave when the super rattle old truck came close past me. I did jump when a baby pony came to say hi. 
This baby pony lives right next to my trails so we might see a lot of each other. I used my own saddle today (we had been using a loaner treeless kind) and neither me or Cyd liked it so much, we got spoiled. My saddle hunt continues!
I have only done pony riding two times in six whole weeks, and I totally didn't forget what to do. I even tried jumping a little tree, but didn't do super good at it yet. I will practice soon though :)

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