Friday 6 June 2014

Lazy Week For Me

Hey everybodies. How are you? I'm pretty good, just lazing about in my field. No pony riding this week. We were going to go today but Cyd went to a different place not in Fort Bragg to go meet my Aunt-E for snacks cos for her not going to the endurance ride. There have been so many plan changes; at one point even I was going to go, just to hang out and watch the grown up ponies doing their enduring, and maybe ride around some being helpful. While Cyd was there, Aunt-E gave us presents, one for Cyd and one for me. Now we can be twinsies. This is me in my new cooler:
Do I look super cute?
Mmm, tasty too
It also stays on good when silly ponies forget they are grown ups and try to run away before their straps are on:
Thanks Aunt-E, I love it. And Cyd loves for when she wants to ride on a chilly day she doesn't have to choose between her helmet for saving her brain cells in case of boomping her head or being warm in her fuzzy hat. Now she can do both:
We're twinsies!
It's a wooly hat for going over helmets. Aunt-E is so smart at making things. Thanks for our presents :)

And look what Uncle J helped Cyd make for me:
It's a collapsible measuring stick to find out how tall I am. Cyd measured me today. She said I have fifteen hands now. I have no idea what she's talking about, since I don't have hands, I have hooves, and there are four of them, and what does that even have to do with me getting tall?

I got into a bit of some mischief yesterday. Cyd and Uncle J had finished their dinners and were watching a movie and Cyd gets a phone call. Some peoples were driving by my house and it was night time and I was running around like a crazy pony. They stopped and said hi to me and I visited with them and did my dragon impression a bit, and they thought I was maybe acting odd cos ponies shouldn't be running around at night. They called Cyd and told her, so she came to check on me cos it's strange for me to be doing my running and playing at night time. She checked my house for bad things, but there was nothing there, and she checked my legs to be sure I didn't hurt myself. I was all sweaty and on high alert still but all good. I'm pretty shiny even in the dark, huh?
I've been getting lots of pony massage this week to make me feel good and for hanging out with Cyd not doing workings. I had some sore back, so we've been making it feel better. I like my massages. I go to sleep, then wake up, and when I wake up, that means Cyd should go to the next spot, and sometimes I pick the spot for her. You know what else I've been doing this week? Just being super cute! :)
Stashing these snacks for laters!

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