Tuesday 24 September 2013

I'm a Cheap Date

Hi everybody. I have some really really bad news and some really really good news. I got hurt :( But I'm okay :) So no need to worry about me. I have my medicines and my bandage and I'm still allowed to play in my field cos I don't have any stitches. If it had been spotted sooner I might have had a couple, but I didn't have it when Cyd left me the day before and I wasn't really lame and gushing out my bloods so nobody saw at breakfast time. By the time Cyd came to visit me and try on my awesome new booties I was hurted. I only walked over to my fence, when usually I fly, then I kept holding up my poorly foot that I got cut. See I'm sad cos for being hurted:
We cleaned me up a bit, but my leg was swelled and a bit hot, so Cyd said it was vet time to get me some medicines so I don't get infected. My field is super sandy and I got dirt in my cut. She had to call lots of different vets to find someone to come all the way to Fort Bragg and make me better, and luckily someone she likes agreed to come see me. We had to wait quite a while which I was quite restless about. I kept showing Cyd which foot hurt cos I thought she might have forgotted:
"It's this one that is owie"
When the vet arrived she agreed I needed medicines and a good cleaning out of my cut. She said I had to have medicine to make me sleepy cos I can be fidgety and I'm little and not hurt myself before so might not know that it's important to stand super still. I only had a small dose of sleepy drugs and my head was hanging down and my lips got droopy and I got drooly. They had to make me move a little bit and I was all wibbly wobbly. They laughed at me and called me a lightweight. Once I was cleaned she put cream on my owie, and put a bandage on me. They were talking about my teeth and the vet lady poked around in my mouth to see if I needed work. She says I have pointys that need fixing, so she's coming back soon to fix them. I have an underbite so I will probably need regular work all my life to keep the pointys away. I had to be tied up without my food until I was un-drunk which was very boring, but once I sobered up I went in a stall to stay for the night with my friends. Cyd came this morning to give me my medicines, two kinds in my mouth and one kind on my owie. I think medicines are delicious, I even licked some off of Cyd's hand cos it's so tasty. Once I was rebandaged I got to go back to my field. I was walking really good, and in my field I trotted and cantered with only a little limping. The vet lady says I need to keep my circulation going which is why I'm allowed to run and play. So I'll be just fine :)
Back home to play with my toys :)

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