I want ALL the attentions! Cyd is not giving them to me! She is mean mean mean! I've only done work two times this whole month and I'm really good at doing work mostly. Though both those times I did Bad Things to demonstrate that baby ponies need more stimulus than I am currently getting and I am bored bored bored. I did get to meet Aunty C a lot, she came to help give me snacks, and give me bath time cos for me being super dirty and shedding my winter hairs out so all itchy. But this is why you have not heard from me in ages. I am being left out :( However, I look really super good in slow motion movie, especially at the end when I swing my pretty little head all around, even if I do have my grumpy face on:
Don't show Uncle J, k? He'll just call me Tinkerbell again (or make fun of my expanding waistline, I'm a bit chubby cos for not doing any workings). He thinks he's so funny. He told Cyd I was being a brat; she didn't believe him and said it's just cos I know he doesn't love me and didn't want to be feeding me that day. He says he likes me just fine, but he doesn't think I'm super special, and I act up when he's around. This makes him think like maybe Cyd might get hurted. He worries too much. Poor Uncle J being a worry-wort. Do I look like a monstrosity pony to you?