Saturday 27 September 2014

Behind Again

Hi everybodies! How are you? I am fabulous but I am behind on my writings again. Cyd has been super busy and not able to do my typing for me. I've been doing good things and some not good things and I'm just as cute as always. Totally starting to get a bit fuzzy around the edges cos for it being winter soon; even though it doesn't get very cold at my house I need some bonus fluff. We'll catch up soon, k?

Sunday 7 September 2014

Canter Improvements!

Hey everybodies! How are you? I am fabulous, a bit more so than usual cos for doing so good at pony riding today. I actually started a bit bad, but considering it was quite a high stress start for Cyd and Aunty V, and I didn't do pony riding in two weeks, and I was testing a new kind of saddle I should be forgiven. We had to hang around for ages cos for a different pony needing tack adjustments and I was quite impatient, but didn't act out, just not settled either. I didn't do anything super bad, just testing the waters to see if Cyd would make me behave myselfs. She went 'Grr' at me, and after about 20 minutes of slight-badnesses on the trail I did better. The kind of saddle I was wearing is called 'treeless' and we borrowed it to make sure I like it before we try to get me one. (Spoiler: I loved it!).
Our ride started nice and gentle, just talking to the peoples, and ambling along. Cyd and me were getting used to being able to feel everything we were each doing, it was a bit odd. Then we got to our first canter spot. Guess what? I made it all the way up! And I didn't do my bucking. Cyd went WOOHOOO and all the peoples cheered for me at the top for doing so good. I didn't go as fast as my friends, but I went the whole way with just a few trot strides when Cyd told me to cos for a bad spot of ground. Turns out, when I'm going properly and not doing bucking I'm a super comfty pony to do canter on. Next was some long down hill so Cyd got off to lead me down, and eat a snack. I might have stealed a bit of her snack. Oopsie! At the bottom, once everyone was back on, we did some trottings and canterings. Cyd decided to test my brain so when my friends did canter, she said we had to just do trot. No fair! I waggled my ears at her and she said "No Bugsy, we're just doing trot" so I bounced a bit, and she said it again but in a more grr-y voice, so I decided to be a good pony and just do trot. I did a big kind called extended trot on a loose rein and Cyd was super proud of me. We soon caught up to my friends, and I was a bit excited so did prancing and took a minute to put my brain in order. After a good drink at the creek (and some snorkeling cos it's funzies) we went to go up a trail called green gate. To get there you have to go around a yellow gate. Anyways, we set off for a long canter, and I didn't quite make it ALL the way, but I went most of the way, and when I needed a break I just did trotting, not walking, and I didn't get upset when my friends cantered off without me. On our next canters, I cantered the whole way!! Everybody was super proud of me, especially Cyd. She even took a short video of me, so you can pretend like you're riding along with me. Look how good I do just watching my friends canter off (that wasn't planned, not everybody listens to instructions and thinks they can do whatevs which they can't but it was at least good training for me. Also, excuse my bouncing at the end, I got a bit full of myself...)
Next we had some really steep trail, and I totally made it up there with no issues either! I am getting so strong. Cyd thinks some of my stopping has been cos for my saddle not really fitting me good, even though she kept trying to adjust it and make me feel comfty. I moved really good in this new kind, and went up the hills good, and did awesome at my cantering. The one thing I didn't do good at was being a fearless leader pony, but we can practice that another time. After I got home and had a shower and a snack I was totally ready to go again. I would really rather you didn't watch me do my rolling with sound on cos for me making a noise that does not make me sound like a big tough grown up pony...