Tuesday 30 December 2014

Merry Very-Lated Christmas!

OhEmGeee Helloo Everybodies! So totally sorry for not having a Christmas post ready to go. We totally tried, and then tried again, but they won't work cos Blogger is a stupidhead, see:
No Christmas messages from your favourite Bugsy :(
So here's we go again. Of course Cyd put a hat-type-object on my head, cos it's what I do, I am a hat wearer.  Here are my Christmas pictures, and now past-tense me and Cyd and Uncle J and of course Rocko T. Dog hope that Fathy Christmas brought you all the things you asked for, and that you had all kinds of funzies.
Showing off my new reins made by Aunt-E
Blurry hounds
See how quiet and well behaved I look? That's just Uncle J's good photo-timing. I was high as a kite and Cyd is holding on quite tight to my mane, hehehe. I haven't done pony riding or circles practice for a whole month, and it was windy too! Lucky Cyd trusts me not to break her though, even if I sometimes am a bit bad. Merry Very-Lated Christmas Bugsy-fans :)

Wednesday 10 December 2014

New Things For Me

Hello everybodies! How are you all? I am fabulous but a bit bored. Cos for there being a big rain, I don't get to do fun stuff. It's too slippery to do pony riding or circles practice. I did do a bit of manners practice cos for me getting a bit pushy when I don't get enough attentions, so we remind me how to behave kinda like a grown up. You know what else is bad for me not getting to practice pony riding? I don't get to use the new cool things that Aunt E made for me. I got new pony riding reins:
RtD was not made for me, he is doing photobombing
And I don't know what this is for, Cyd says it's called running martingale to attach to my reins and my bedazzledcollar cos for me putting my head way up high and doing head tossing. Cyd tried to give me benefits of the doubt and had my teethies checked, but Dr Vet gave me all thumbs up, so now I have to wear this.
RtD doing photobombing again.
Cyd is also not super delighted with me cos for something that is totally not my fault. I keep telling her that I can't help it if I keep doing growing - maybe she should do some growing to keep up. Not my fault she's titchy with t-rex arms and not very good at doing mounting. She says she always uses mounting block to help my back, which I like, but we know the truths. Silly Cyd. But really, look how big I am:
Totes not even done yet!
Thanks for my things Aunt E, even if I don't totally do approving of martingales. We'll take good pictures of me wearing them when there is sunshines. And other Bugsyfans - you can totally order cool things for your ponies too cos Aunt E makes awesome stuffs - she has a place you can see them: Aunt E's super cool things!

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Talladega Nights - Bugsy Styly

Hello everybodies. How are you? I am fabulous. Today Cyd says I was like a firework pony, cos for wanting to speedy everywhere. She totally said I was channelling Ricky Bobby cos for being a bit like this today:
I haven't done pony riding since trying to be a kinda rescue pony, and it would seem I saved up all my energies since then ready for our next pony riding adventure. Though Cyd says we need to do more pony riding, cos for only just squishing into my girth. I'm still young and still growing, but apparently I'm supposed to be growing my muscles, not my belly! I walked up the road pretty good, when the deer spookied me. Look, I'm being grown up - calm but alert.
I didn't have my bit today, since we were just doing a short after-work good-for-Cyd's-brain loop. She wasn't going to take my saddle either but for the purposes of needing to run fast tomorrow she decided to put it on me. Lucky she did! All my pictures today are blurry cos for me going fast.
I did some walking and some trotting, and very occasionally did some canters practice. We didn't take my dressage stick today, so I had to not get stuck cos for no way of doing tap tap. I did do some stopping, but after a pause and a pat I got going again.
Got my thinking face on
I totally did not do any bucking today! Also, Cyd didn't have to get off me the WHOLE PONY RIDE (well except for hopping off to adjust my saddle when it slid, but that doesn't count).
Starting to get dark going home
While I was most certainly not a super well behaved pony, we both had fun, which is what counts most of the time!

Saturday 22 November 2014

Rescue Pony (Kinda)

(After taking forever to do my typing for me, Cyd then forgot to post my story. She is a fail :/)

Hello everybodies! How are you? I am fabulous. Today I got my feeties all trimmed up, and I was mostly good at behaving myself. I can't believe I didn't tell you about my last week pony ride. Cyd made plans with Aunty A to meet up on the trail and so we can pony ride together. This is not what happened.

I started off by being mostly good walking up the road, but there was a smidgen of excitement, and I got a bit fancy:
High alert!
We weren't in a big rush, which is good, cos for me not really wanting to jump my ditch. While I was contemplating my options, Cyd got a texting from Aunty A saying she thought she was lost. Cyd was juggling texting her directions and coaxing me. I finally jumped over and Cyd checked her last message.
"F*** I fell she ran off"
Cyd asks if she's hurt and that we're on our way. She leaped on me and off we went. Except for then I thought maybe I'd rather stop for a snack first. Cyd said "Hey Bugsy, we really gotta go find our friend". I took some snacks to go, and had a little bounce before trotting off. We didn't get a reply from Aunty A so Cyd called her. No answer. Called again. No answer. And again. Uh oh. So we called Uncle J and told him what was happening and that we were adventuring to find her so somebody knew where we were. We didn't spot hoofie prints near our meeting point, so we went the direction they should have been coming from. Soon we found pony skids, and speedy prints heading back toward where Maggie-pony lives. There were no people prints though. I was all snorty snorty coming through here, so maybe something spooked Maggie-pony too. Cyd said "Okay Bugsy, this way. Maybe we'll find them soon!" Off we went carefully cos for it being all slippy. I totally got a bit stuck at a puddle cos for not wanting wet hoofies. Cyd got off me, we didn't need to spend time schooling me through it when our friends might need our help. There was a few spots she got off before I did misbehaving, so as to not get stuck. Mostly I did trotting where it was safe. We kept following hoofie prints but no sign of them, or of people prints. Cyd figured by now that probably Maggie-pony was home. The problem was not seeing people prints or catching up to Aunty A yet. We kept trotting on hoping that she hadn't got disoriented on foot and taken a wrong turn and got herself all lost in the woods. Trot trot trot through the woods. 

Uh oh, now which way? There's two ways to get to Maggie-pony's house from here. We looked for hoofie prints, and maybe saw some going the long way. So that's the way we trot-trot-trotted. We soon got to the road, and we just walked. Luckily, we turned up the driveway and saw Aunty M (Maggie-pony's owner) feeding ponies. No Maggie though or Aunty-A though. Turns out they were just hiding around the corner. Nobody was lost, or ouchied too bad, just Aunty A with some bruises.

We didn't hang around for long, it was going to get dark before we got home even if we hurried. Cyd took me on foot for a while to give me a rest, I was a little bit tired.
Phew, it's tiring trying to be a rescue pony
She got back on and we did some more trotting, but I got to walk each time I asked. I also got to practice getting snacks to go. At one point I pulled Cyd over to the other side of the trail from where we were, cos for being thirsty so I was willing to brave the scary puddle.
Then I drank another puddle! Cyd was so proud of me for taking care of myself. After my drinking I was happy to do lots more trotting. I even wanted to trot the downs, but Cyd made me do walking cos for not wanting for me to hurt my legs. Troubles was, we were still three miles of slippy trails away from my house, and the sun was going down!
Then it got a bit darker:
Then it got really dark:
I did pony riding in the dark before with Aunt-E and Ike-pony when I was a super-baby pony in only my second month of pony riding. But this time I was by myself. Know what I did? Just kept trotting right along. We had no lights since we didn't plan on being in the dark. I'm so brave. There wasn't even moon under the trees. I did get stuck at one bit, which was not good for hurrying home in the dark. It was the only trail that takes me home, there are no other options. It took me about ten minutes, maybe a bit more, but eventually we crept closer to the trail, and finally got me on it. Once I was on, I trotted away nearly all the way home. I'm the best pony ever!

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Visitors and Explorations

Hello everybodies! How are you? I am (of course) fabulous, and well rested. Cyd went on people holiday last month for eight days, and we were supposed to pony ride the day she left but the weather was a bit funny and Cyd just had a feeling we should not pony ride. When she visited me later it seemed that was a good option cos for me being bratty. When she came back from people holiday, her mummy and her nana were here to visit us. So on Tuesday we fetched my Aunty V and went for a pony ride. Cherokee was not behaving super appropriately so we just did walking for safeties.
Then I had five more days off. Then I did a mini lunging session in my crupper. I started doing good, so we were going to stop, then I went into crazy pony mode. I'm definitely getting better at it though. Then Cyd made me a thing called 'fauxssoa' for encouraging me to keep using my back good. These can be harsh, but we kept it gentle for me. It will have its own post soon for you to see. Then I didn't get pony ridden again til Sunday, when I went exploring with my bestie.
I got a bit chubby in my time off. I also did some bad pony riding things like bucking for funzies, which got me laughed at, and even did kicking which got me in Big Troubles cos for kicking is NOT OKAY!!!!! Lucky I didn't get anyone hurted. We did kissing too, so he's still my bestie. 
Aunt-T got video of my trying to buck but we can't make it work yet. We went exploring down a new trail. It was really overgrown so we had to adventure our way through. I totally barged my way into the wilderness and got laughed at again. Instead of ducking my head, I just squint my eyes closed and push through. It got too grown over for even Cydvto go on foot so we turned around. My bestie didn't seem to be feeling super awesome so we took the short way back, and we got led on the downhill. We did some practicing of my manners too.
This is me being full of myself!
And being a polite grown up pony.
I got ridden down the road cos for being good, and was even brave when the super rattle old truck came close past me. I did jump when a baby pony came to say hi. 
This baby pony lives right next to my trails so we might see a lot of each other. I used my own saddle today (we had been using a loaner treeless kind) and neither me or Cyd liked it so much, we got spoiled. My saddle hunt continues!
I have only done pony riding two times in six whole weeks, and I totally didn't forget what to do. I even tried jumping a little tree, but didn't do super good at it yet. I will practice soon though :)

Saturday 1 November 2014

Tuesday 21 October 2014


Hey everybodies, how are you? I am fabulous. You know what yesterday was? Three whole years of being Cyd's pony! She came and saw me at my old house, and then came back with a pony trailer, put me in, and brought me home. I was only two years old then. I've done so much growing in my tallness and roundness and my brain since then. All I really knew was how to wear my halter, and that I liked getting baths. Look how much I've changed: (top is three years ago today, bottom was July this year)
Happy ponyversary Cyd, we'll celebrate when you get back from people holiday!

Friday 17 October 2014

Starbucks Pony

One shot, three pumps of vanilla, in my belly!
Hello everybodies. How are you? I'm pretty chaiful today. Get it? Cos for drinking Aunty Z's dirty chai that she brought to my house. Thanks Aunty Z, I needed a boost on this blustery day! Also thanks from me and Cyd for pony sitting me and my neighbour ponies and the puppies while they go on people holiday without me. And keep out of the chicken house for safeties. I'll try not to cut my leg off. 

Sunday 12 October 2014


Hey everybodies, how are you? I am so fabulous, wanna know why? I went to the beach! I have been to the beach a couple of times, ponied by my friend Fuega, and one time Cyd just walked me there like a big dog. We are so lucky the beach is less than a mile from my house. Aunt-T came too, and rode Indy pony, who I have done pony riding with a few times before. We had some trouble (a lot of trouble) walking down the road and I got tied in a stall to calm my brain cells while Indy finished getting ready. Finally it was time to go, I was calmer, and the peoples got on us. Aunty V clipped a rope to my halter and handed the other end to Aunt-T cos for having to ride across Highway 1, so if I did my stopping it could be quite dangerous. Turns out I didn't need help but all the peoples were happier with me clipped up in case. Cyd said I felt a bit like a bomb waiting to go off so I stayed on the pony rope. I got a bit scared when there were some deer that I couldn't see making noises, but not of the tents and people doing camping and barbecuing. We had a sticky moment when Indy decided to be mad at me and struck out with his front foot at me. I was sad and jumped out the way. When we got near the ocean to the haul road we stopped for me to do some big breaths, it was a bit perplexing for me. There were four small people on bicycles yelling, and their grown up taking pictures, and people watching the sunset, and people walking their dogs. I quickly got brave enough to go past. Cyd and Aunt-T decided we shouldn't go on the beach since our ride wasn't going quite to plan in mine and Indy's behaving. But we were doing good now so they decided to at least go down to the sand so I get an idea of doing beach riding. I went down super brave, and I was suddenly a beach riding grown up pony!
Aunt-T was going to take a photo of me and Cyd, but when we got close Indy got so so mad at me, and came at me like a wild stallion. He never acted like that before, and just a short while ago we were hanging out doing trekking together. Can you believe he hates me so much? Not usual Indy behaving. Cyd decided, and Aunt-T agreed, to take me off the pony rope. We were better taking our chances with me getting super freaked out on my own than probably getting me or Cyd hurt by grumpy Indy. I did pretty good on my own going home. I didn't even get scared we came by four dogs and one barked at me (it was just little though). And we were following the childrens on bicycles and they confused me but didn't make me get scared. After that I did awesome going home! We need to do a better pony ride with my bestie another time, but at least I finally did it!

Thursday 9 October 2014

Say "Aaahh"

Hey everybodies, how are you? I am fabulous, but still a little bit sleepy. My vet came to see me and my friend Boscoe today to check on our teethies. Cyd came and got me and put me outside Rioja's house cos for wanting us to be buddies. We kissed a bit, which made her happy.
Pretending like we love each other so Cyd doesn't tell us off for squealing
Just right before the vet arrived, something (who knows what!) happened to make me lose my cookies and jump and dance and be super excited. 
WHOAH What's Happening?
My friend went first cos Aunty C had to take a guided pony ride. I was mostly patient while I waited for my turn, even though it means I was stood there for nearly two whole hours. Then it was my turn. I was a bit of a brat for my regular check up cos for just wanting kisses and was not grown up. We need to practice having more people poke and prod me and take my pulse and stuff so I get used to it, cos I guess that's something enduring ponies need to do to make sure they are staying safe. Then it was time for some sleepy medicines so I didn't have problems with the thing called power-float.
Getting sleeeepeee, see my droopy lip?
Once I was napping they wedged my mouth open and rinsed it out, and put my face on a giant stand.
First I get rinsed
The vet had a good look around in my mouth to see what we needed to do, then let Cyd poke around in there too so she could see. I had some pointys that needed to be smoothed that made some ulcers starting on my cheeks. 
Then my toothies get filed
Another rinse afterwards, and the vet said I had a good mouth and a good bite.  She and Cyd talked about my fly bites cos for me having some reactions, and whether or not I was at risk for pigeon fever  cos Cyd knows some various ponies who've got sick (vet thinks no cos it's damp where I live). She did recommend I maybe get a sheet to cover me to keep the flies off though so I don't get owies like when the bites weep and I get scabby :( 
How my world looked for a while
The vet lady also looked at my feeties and said they looked good and liked my trim. They also talked about me needing a new saddle, she felt the same soreness on my back that Cyd did. But other than that she says I'm great, and cute, and silly. 
K, I'm awake LET'S GO!

Sunday 5 October 2014

More Saddle Trying

Hi everybodies, how are you? I am fabulous (again and always)! Today I did saddle trying, another kind of treeless like what I want. We tried it out a little while ago, but it has things called dressage billets and Cyd didn't have a short girth to match. So she picked out a soft fuzzy comfty girth for me to borrow to try the saddle. After just two miles, she gave up and got off and walked me home on foot. I HATED the fuzzy girth, it made my belly itch and I kept trying to chew it off me. Cyd got off and walked me back home, and considered our test a failure since we didn't really ride, just discussed whether I should go forward, and do so normally, or chew at my belly straps and bend in circles and stomp my feeties. Today, we borrowed the short kind of the girth I already use, and tried it out again. With a girth I like, we had a great test ride. Today we did eleven miles with my bestie and Aunt-T, and did quite a lot of trotting, and some canter practice, with me being both the leader pony and the follower pony. Aunt-T also practiced riding past me cos for me making stroppy faces when people overtake me. One time I tried to nip at her but got promptly bopped on the nose and told I was a Bad Bad Bugsy. But mostly I did really good, and I wanted to do trotting everywhere. My top speed today was 17.9 miles per hour - wheeeeee! And my ditch of doom? I have to think a bit before jumping over it, and Cyd always gets off. There's a steep steep little trail down to the ditch, which she has ridden me up one time before, but every other time up or down has been leading me. Today she rode me down the steep hill, and I was super careful to not fall down with us. At the bottom, my bestie was looking at the ditch and with a boomp boomp from Aunt-T he flew across the ditch. Cyd still didn't get off me. She gave me a boomp boomp too, and Aunt-T cheered for me from the other side, and I looked and phroomphed a bit and wibbled and with another boomp and some cheering from Cyd and Aunt-T I made a giant leap, and we were on the other side too. I got big pets and scratches from both of them, and me and my bestie both felt pretty proud of ourselves (he never jumped it with his person either). We had to take the short trail home cos for it getting dark soon, and Cyd not bringing a jacket and summeryness turned into foggyness. I got ridden all the way down the road (though I got a bit stuck at one bit) and even practiced doing stuff leg yielding when we could see no traffic coming. I'm really doing good at my pony riding these last few rides. Now we just need the fancy saddle to get sold so we can buy a kind I like for me. It won't fix all my troubles, but it certainly seems to be helping me. Anyways, here's our pictures from today:
Going up
Aunt-T hides so you can't see her
Need some shade?
Can't see the ocean through the lurking fog
Had to do some wiggling through here
Quick, we've stopped. Power-Naps Are Go!
I can't possibly pose now, I'm wasting away
Look at my shine!
Politely sharing the trail
Cold and foggy riding the last bit home